John C. Clune
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Recognized as one of the nation’s top sexual abuse attorneys, John Clune, has been successfully litigating on behalf of survivors of assault and harassment in courts and campus proceedings for nearly 25 years. John has been recognized as one of the most experienced and well-known lawyers for survivors of sexual abuse and harassment.
Often going after high-profile and influential defendants, John levels the playing field. He has taken on cases against many influential defendants on behalf of crime victims and is a regular speaker on Title IX, victim privacy, and navigating media coverage of high-profile litigation.
Prior to joining HBC, John co-founded and served as the first legal director for the Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center, a pro-bono non-profit organization dedicated to the enforcement of crime victims’ rights where he currently serves on their advisory board.
In addition to his Title IX practice, John is the chair of the firms’ Sports Law Group representing athletes and others in sport related litigation, administrative proceedings and other contract matters.
In the Media
“Clune and his coworkers at Boulder law firm Hutchinson, Black and Cook are widely recognized as some of the best attorneys for cases involving sexual assault and Title IX, the federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex at colleges and universities.”
“Clune’s résumé makes him uniquely qualified for the task. In legal battles with superstars such as Kobe Bryant and powerful collegiate institutions, the attorney has zealously protected his clients and fought for their cause.”
“Clune is a very skilled attorney at using civil actions to hold institutions responsible for employing or supervising persons who are accused of sexual assault. His threat to sue [the school] should thus be taken at face value: he is not bluffing.”
Gonzaga University School of Law, J.D., 1996
University of Iowa, BA, 1992
Bar Admissions / Clerkships
U.S. District Court, District of Colorado
U.S. District Court, District of Columbia
U.S. District Court, Northern District of Florida
Admitted to the US Courts of Appeals for the Second, Ninth, and Tenth Circuits.
U.S. Supreme Court
Memberships / Awards
Recipient, 2019 Frank Carrington Champion of Civil Justice Award, National Crime Victim Bar Association
Association of Title IX Administrators, Advisory Board Member
Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center, Advisory Board Member
National Crime Victim Bar Association