HBC's John Clune and Lauren Groth File Title IX Action in Montana High School Case

HBC has filed a lawsuit in Missoula, Montana alleging violations of Title IX for a high school's mishandling of repeated reports of a teacher's sexual misconduct toward two students.  The suit alleges that the school received a report in 2014 that a Frenchtown, MT music teacher, Troy Bashor, was reported for unlawful sexual contact with a young student.  The school took no action against the teacher who went on to sexually assault another student in the fall semester of 2016, according to the complaint.  The suit also alleges that the second student was forced to transfer schools afer reporting the abuse due to the horrible retaliation from several of the other students who described Bashor as their "favorite teacher."  Along with the lawsuit, Bashor is being criminally prosecuted by the Missoula County Prosecutor's Office for his behavior toward both of the students.

HBC attorneys John Clune and Lauren Groth are handling the matter.  See media coverage at:

"The country's top legal talent joins the Frenchtown Title IX suit," Missoula Independent, 1/11/18.