HBC's Adam Chase to be Inducted into Colorado Running Hall of Fame

HBC's Adam Chase is a member of the distinguished class that will be inducted into the Colorado Running Hall of Fame on April 20.  Adam is an accomplished trail runner, marathoner, ultramarathoner, adventure racer and Ironman triathlon finisher, participating in events all over the world.  He is also a prolific writer of all things running.  He co-authored the book, "The Ultimate Guide to Trail Running" and writes for Running Times magazine where you'll find his gear reviews and feature articles.  Adam is the President of the American Trail Running Association (ATRA) and he serves as a brand ambassador for Salomon and Atlas Snow-Shoe.  HBC is extremely proud of Adam and his accomplishments - running, lawyering and otherwise! 

Congratulations to Adam for his induction into the Colorado Running Hall of Fame.